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母亲意外遇害,十一娘悲痛欲绝,侯爷直男式安慰,减分却有效!💕【锦心似玉 the sword and the brocade】
灰姑娘逃婚带母亲远走高飞,母亲却意外遇害,侯爷直男式安慰太减分!| 锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade 💕 中国电视剧
恶霸世子强抢民女,十一娘机智救场,借侯爷之势吓退恶霸!💕【锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade】
心机女对侯爷投怀送抱,亲密场景被十一娘撞见,侯爷风评被害:看来不是正经人!💕【锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade】
Shiyi is about to be killed.Marquis risked his life to return to capital to save her
十一娘失去至亲,跟当家主母撕破脸,主母句句扎心,让十一娘情绪崩溃!💕【锦心似玉 the sword and the brocade】
庶女霸气怼侯爷!小厮背后说闲话,十一娘怒怼侯爷,侯爷怼不过,满脸尴尬道歉。❤️Chinese Drama【锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade】
To marry the lord,Erniang pretends to be Shiyi and seduces the scum man
侯爷正妻下线!临终前安排好一切,求侯爷娶妹妹做继室,与众人虐心诀别。❤️Chinese Drama【锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade】
恶霸世子被耍暴怒,当众毁了心机女清白,全场惊呆无人敢阻止!❤️Chinese Drama【锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade】
心机小妾手段高!以退为进夺下掌家大权,还有婆婆撑腰,侯爷娇妻完全不是对手!❤️Chinese Drama【锦心似玉 The Sword and the Brocade】
十一娘用爱征服嫡子,指导侯爷与儿子相处,心机小妾大演苦肉计,打断一家三口亲昵。💕【锦心似玉 the sword and the brocade】